10 Skills you should also assess – Assessment 4

10 Skills you should also assess – Assessment 4

Last time I started looking at the skills you want to assess under the listening comprehension . Now on to speaking skills: Range: What kinds of topics can the learner speak about? What domains of life are out of his/her range? How deeply can he/she talk about a given...
All in all, the summary – Culture Shock 8

All in all, the summary – Culture Shock 8

What is culture shock? A summary Culture shock is the result of the confrontation with a culture that is different from our own, so that a person falls into some kind of “shock.” Shock may be the wrong word. We are confused because rules we had known may...
Dutch & German: Learning a related language

Dutch & German: Learning a related language

In language learning, we have a concept called “false friends”: Words that both languages have that sound or look alike, or sound a bit similar but with completely different meanings. These words are found particularly in languages of neighboring countries, for...
5 examples and stories – Culture Shock 7

5 examples and stories – Culture Shock 7

In the first six articles we have seen how culture shock can be defined, how it progresses and what you can do to moderate, accept and overcome. The main problem is to recognize the culture shock. The situation is not always so clear that I automatically deal with...
The Re-entry Shock – Culture Shock 6

The Re-entry Shock – Culture Shock 6

After years abroad I returned to my home country. “Finally!” May be one thought. But on the other hand, “What a pity I couldn’t stay in my host country longer!” Upon arrival, I’m met with a rude awakening: The country I returned to is not the country I left!...