The Cunning Man (Tun. Stories No.20)

The Cunning Man (Tun. Stories No.20)

Once upon a time, there was a merchant who was wedded to his cousin, a girl of splendid beauty and above all of great manners. They loved each other like soulmates. This merchant always wore white and was known as the White Merchant.One year, business was a little...

Tunisian Stories – A Project of the ilès Team

Every culture and every society has its stories. The Grimm brothers, Charles Perrault, Božena Němcová and others have collected and written down the fairy tales and stories of their countries. These often somehow have some things in common and also differ in...
What on Earth is phonetics and why should I need it?

What on Earth is phonetics and why should I need it?

Everyone knows that you need to pronounce difficult sounds when learning a language – at least most of the time. If I am learning English as a German speaker, there are sounds that I don’t know and need to learn. For example, in German there is no dental...
How to do assessments – Assessment 5

How to do assessments – Assessment 5

In the last four posts, I’ve talked about why (and why not) to assess your language proficiencies, and what skills to assess. This time, we’ll look at the all-important question of how to actually do the assessment. To begin, start by using the three (or five, if...
5 ways to survive your most boring language teacher

5 ways to survive your most boring language teacher

He was a very nice guy, but the worst teacher I’ve ever had. He had a lot to say, but was totally incapable of teaching us. His major motivation was to teach us his religion and not his language. But that’s not why we were in his classroom. Even worse, he got angry...